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How Webecome trains teachers through social learning on the WeSchool platform

About Webecome

Inclusion and inequalities impact learning outcomes across all ages.  


Webecome is an education proposal that combats inequalities and social hardship while promoting inclusion and the development of the child’s transversal skills. It does so by educating and helping teachers, school administrators and parents navigate these insecurities through a social learning approach. 


Their educational approach has always been broad, meaning they mix a wide range of skills from experts to discuss and engage with their learners. Beyond that, they have a national reach across Italy. Both of these components meant their way of working required a way to train their users (teachers and parents) in a social environment that was not confined to a specific space. 

The challenge

Inclusion requires teachers to create learning experiences in which all children can learn and feel they belong: They play a central role in encouraging participation and reducing underachievement. 


Community is built through connections and interactions. People bond over shared experiences, ideas and concepts. This is why Webecome needed a space where to train users, but also to bring them together: to connect and learn about inclusion, together. 

The approach

With the support of Intesa San Paolo and hosted on WeSchool’s platform and domain as a branded white label solution, Webecome now offers training courses for school teachers and parents since 2019. So far, they have delivered over 13,000 educational pieces to over 30,000 users, including parents, teachers and deans. 

Marco Bussetti, Minister of Education

“A beneficial alliance between schools and new technologies.

Spreading awareness through interactive education

Learning Communities 

Thanks to WeSchool’s features, Webecome was able to create three core communities for teachers, parents and School deans while leading open discussions among users about how best to encourage inclusion and the creation of personalized learning paths in a single space. 

Impactful content

All lessons are delivered and re-uploaded for asynchronous, interactive learning. thanks to WeSchool’s social features, users can open conversations, debates and bring actionable change into the classroom through a mix of content formats, including video interviews with experts, educational videos, infographics, insights, bibliographies and tools. 


The most successful content pieces can be tracked via analytics to later repurpose for a similar audience – over 45 pieces of content have been repurposed for a broader reach.

Whitelabel solution 

Webecome’s LMS is a fork of WeSchool’s fully-customizable branded platform. By customizing their login, logo page, colors and layouts inside their groups, we were able to tailor the WeSchool graphic appearance to their own brand identity for an immersive user experience.

  • 2,000 teacher trainees involved
  • Over 1,000 parents and +100 deans involved
  • +100 interactive training sessions delivered

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